23 martie 2007

Shift Happens - Globalization and the Information Age

Information and computation capabilities are growing faster than you can imagine. Did you know? that it is estimated that 1.5 exabytes (10^18) of unique new information will be generated worldwide this year, more than the previous 5000 years. Did you know? that predictions are that by 2013 a supercomputer will exceed the computation capabilities of the human brain, and that by 2049 a $1000 computer will exceed the computation capabilities of the human rase. There so much things we don't know and we can't even imagine...

The following video, Shift Happens - Globalization and The Information Age, was originally created by Karl Fisch, and later modified by Scott McLeod. It tries to illuminate us as what living on earth in 10 or 20 years will be like.

19 martie 2007

Noi suntem Poli!

17.03.2007 - 15.000 de suflete violete au aratat in Piata Operei (locul unde s-a nascut Romania libera) ca Timisoara este mai presus de orice interese, politici, bani si coruptie. Aici se iubeste! Pana cand va realiza si restul tarii acest lucru va trece multa apa pe Bega.
Pana atunci: Forza Viola! si fiti la fel in continuare, ca nu au ce sa ne faca.

Violetii fara vina